Set up a Measurement Definition for Incident Definitions
Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain incident definitions security right in the Base Data user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Incident Definition Editor.
- To create a measurement definition:
- Right-click in the Measurement Definitions field group and select New and the required Data Type from the menu.
Select from:
- Boolean—The incident measurement value displays as a check box.
- String—The incident measurement value displays as a free-form text field.
- Integer—The incident measurement value displays as a nullable integer field.
- Double—The incident measurement value displays as a nullable numeric field.
Note: You cannot change the Data Type for existing additional measurement definitions.
- Enter a Name.
- Enter a Description if required.
- If the Data Type is Integer or Double, select a UOM. Select from all units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
- Right-click in the Measurement Definitions field group and select New and the required Data Type from the menu.
- To duplicate a measurement definition, right-click the measurement definition and select Duplicate from the menu.
- To delete a measurement definition, right-click the measurement definition and select Delete from the menu.
- To delete all measurement definitions, right-click any measurement definition and select Delete All from the menu.
Note: You can only delete a measurement definition if it is not referenced by any incident definitions.
- Click Save.